The Modern Mystic League
APRIL 2024
Blackburn & District Society of Magicians
One of our largest turn-outs since covid, supplemented by several visitors, welcomed Adrian Sullivan to our April meeting.
For well over an hour, Adrian presented a series of easy-to-do but effective items, without recourse to any fancy sleights, special gimmicks or extra purchases. At the end of each routine, which was clearly explained, he distributed free lecture notes so there was no need for personal jottings – which probably would not make sense later if my experience is anything to go by.
Among the effects was a version of Marc Spelmann’s Process of Elimination, titled Eliminator and based upon the simple principle of duplicate cards. All Good Things Come in Threes was another straightforward card location, while The Trick that Fooled Penn and Teller, popularised by Graham P Jolley, used the Jokers as a location device. Multiple Choice employed the under-used Mene Tekel deck, devised by Burling Hull in 1910, while my personal favourite was Adrian’s Simplified Version of the Four Ace Trick, using a book for which he had even provided an illustrated cover. (Volume 1!)
After the break, Adrian presented Two Easy Miracles; or Finding a Chosen Card, and his own Touch Vision effect, using the Si Stebbins system.
Although the talk had been heavily weighted in favour of close-up card magic, Adrian had many other items for sale at what are now termed ‘affordable prices,’ and purchases were brisk.
Working on the principle of ‘just one thing’ (i.e. if you get just one workable thing from a lecture or book, then you have had your money’s worth), this was a splendid afternoon.
President Paul gave a fulsome vote of thanks; which must include Craig for recording the event and Donald for the refreshments, which included some delightful chicken’s nest cakes made by Francesca.
Brian Lead