The Modern Mystic League
MARCH 2021
Blackburn & District Society of Magicians
Our largest Zoom turnout so far greeted the return of Wayne Goodman for our March meeting. It was lovely to see again several members who would not have been able to attend in the usual way, proving that there is an up-side to Zooming!
Before beginning his talk, Wayne demonstrated a few effects which have taken his fancy recently, including some (such as ‘Unmasked Kids’) capitalising upon the current requirement for face covering. There was the ‘Double Headed Prediction’ of animals for children and a Rubik’s Cube which instantaneously transformed into a pile of brightly coloured sweets, such as M&Ms or Smarties.
Moving on to Wayne’s own creations, we were introduced to his ‘Miser’s Dream’ using Jammy Dodgers and a biscuit tin – with a custard cream and a half-bitten Orio throw in. The theory here was that kids are more interested in food than money!
There was a Harry Potter Marauder’s Map which appeared to print itself when unfolded, and a ‘Master of Maths’ effect developed from the ‘21 Card Trick’. Continuing the Harry Potter theme, a forced image of Draco Malfoy led to his name appearing, by means of a type of origami, in the folded pages of a Harry Potter book. You can virtually guarantee that nobody else will be doing this one!
Then, with ‘Interaction’, Super-Wayne made an appearance via a grid which always led to the same outcome when the magician’s instruction were followed. Wayne used this to illustrate how the same simple principle can be adapted to countless situations, from weddings to Christmas parties and shows in restaurants; always creating the opportunity to give away publicity material as a souvenir.
We then moved on to a Zoom-orientated visual illusion in which a lolly appeared to defy the laws of perspective by literally growing in size. Other ‘quickies’ included the ‘Ash and Ember’ colour-changing ring (from gold to black when clenched in the fist) and ’Encased’ – a close-up coin routine.
The ‘Mystery Box’ effect was simply achieved with folded cards, and the ‘Out to Lunch’ principle was revisited to bend a pictured fork.
A three-card monte took on a whole new lease of life with the addition of a reiterating pack, and ‘Time Traveller’ had an item vanishing from a previously seen photograph, utilising a Himber wallet with the inspired addition of Velcro so that a spectator could open it in their own hands.
‘Hat Trick’ was the sort of card trick which even I could/would do; three predictions turning out well in the end in spite of an apparent blunder. No sleights involved, so the emphasis can be on presentation.
Wayne has been on the professional magic scene for over 25 years, gathering a wealth of experience which he has distilled in a number of books, ranging in theme from restaurant magic to dealing with hecklers and acting as a compere.
One member remarked that he could use all the ideas presented during the afternoon in some way, so it was obviously two hours well spent.
Brian Lead